Used Oil, Filer, Container, and Antifreeze Eco-Center

NEW 2024 Oil Recycling Program

Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corporation (MARRC) partners with municipal Eco-Centres to involve the public in being more eco-friendly and learn about recycling used oil. This will help keep our Mother Earth thriving for our younger generations. The RM of St. Laurent is fully supporting this initiative by once again offering the recycling program for used oil and giving an incentive to those who recycle at our municipal Waste Transfer Site’s (WTS) eco-centre. One Drop of Used Oil Makes a Difference. A single litre of used oil can contaminate a million litres of ground water. For that reason, more needs to be done to inform the public on recycling information and locations. Check out the MARCC website ( to learn more or to see how Manitoba is doing. Please ensure that every drop of used oil is returned to a collection facility so it can be disposed of properly.